Techniques Used by Commercial Snow Removal Professionals

When winter arrives, bringing with it heavy snowfall, commercial properties can face significant challenges. Snow and ice can create hazardous conditions, impede access, and disrupt business operations. That's where commercial snow removal professionals come in, using specialized techniques to ensure safety and accessibility.

Pre-Treatment and Anti-Icing

One critical technique that snow removal professionals use is pre-treatment or anti-icing. This process involves applying a liquid de-icer to surfaces before a snowstorm hits. The de-icer effectively prevents snow and ice from adhering to the pavement, simplifying their removal when necessary. This proactive approach can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of snow removal efforts.


Plowing is perhaps the most recognizable snow removal technique. Commercial snow removal companies use plows attached to trucks, tractors, or even ATVs, depending on the size and nature of the property. The goal is to push the snow off to the sides, clearing essential areas like roads, parking lots, and walkways.

Snow Blowing

For areas where using a plow isn't feasible or safe, such as near buildings or on sidewalks, snow blowers are often used. Snow blowers can remove snow in a more controlled manner, allowing professionals to clear snow without damaging property.


Despite the array of equipment available, sometimes the best tool for the job is a good old-fashioned shovel. Shoveling is often used for precision work, like clearing steps, narrow walkways, and entrances. Commercial snow removal crews often have teams dedicated to shoveling these tricky spots.


After the snow has been cleared, there's often a layer of ice left behind. To combat this, snow removal professionals use de-icing techniques. This usually involves spreading materials like rock salt or calcium chloride, which help to melt the ice. It's crucial to choose the right de-icer for the temperature and conditions, as some work better in colder temperatures than others.

Snow Hauling and Relocation

Sometimes, simply plowing the snow to the side isn't enough, especially in areas with limited space or during heavy snowfall seasons. Snow removal professionals utilize loaders and dump trucks to efficiently remove or relocate snow in these scenarios. By transporting it to designated areas on the property, they ensure safe melting without any associated problems or concerns.

Regular Monitoring

Lastly, one of the most important techniques isn't a removal method but a strategy. Regular monitoring of weather conditions and the property allows professionals to respond quickly when a storm hits and address any issues that arise promptly.

Commercial snow removal is a complex task that requires expertise, the right equipment, and strategic planning. If you own or manage a commercial property, consider partnering with a professional snow removal company to tackle the challenges of winter effectively.

Reach out to a company that offers commercial snow removal services for more info.
