Looking To Plant Trees In Your Backyard? 3 High-Maintenance Trees To Avoid

If you own a property that has a number of mature and healthy trees on the lot, you could see a 7 to 19 percent increase in your home's value. With such a huge increase potential, you do not want to put so much effort into planting trees and nursing them into adulthood, only to want to remove them (through professionals like those from Pioneer Tree & Landscape, Inc.). If you are starting off with a tree-free landscape, then you need to decide which trees to plant and grow. It is important to consider the main factors such as root size, max growth height, and canopy size. You do not want roots damaging your deck or patio, branches hanging over your home, or trees growing too tall. After covering these potential hazards, you should make sure to avoid several high-maintenance trees.   

Sweetgum Tree

If you plan on your kids playing in the backyard on a regular basis, the sweetgum tree is one to avoid. These trees drop seed pods on the ground, but the main problem is that they are prickly. Walking around barefoot would surely give you cuts on your feet, so you do not want them in walking areas. Not to mention, cleaning up the pods would not be an easy task, and wearing thick gloves would be a necessity. 

Gingko Tree

The ginkgo tree may look beautiful with its lovely leaves and unique trunk, but it is not a tree that you want to have on your property. It is a fruit-bearing tree with a poor-smelling fruit, so much to the point that it has been described to smell similar to vomit, which happens due to the butyric acid in the pulp. If you do not like the idea of having to regularly clean up fruit that smells this way, then skip this tree.

Eucalyptus Tree

There is no denying that the eucalyptus tree is a fast grower, but this does not make it a great tree. If you have ever come across these trees in the public, you may have noticed the bark on the ground. These trees are difficult in the maintenance department because of its seasonal shedding. Considering eucalyptus trees can grow so tall, you have to be extra careful of falling branches. Unfortunately, problems that may not be noticeable right away such as drought or disease can lead to sudden branch drops. The shedding and potential danger of branches falling down makes this tree not worth the trouble.

While all of these trees can look beautiful on any property, you are better off looking at different trees, especially when you want to have ones that do not require much maintenance.
